
K’alemi Dene School, The Community School of N’dilo

KDS Vision Statement: “BUILDING OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE TODAY BY TEACHING AND LEARNING THE DENE WAY.” “KDS is committed to providing quality education for our students by concentrating on four components of learning: Language & Culture ~ Academics & Technology ~ Physical & Active Living ~ Dene Laws & Virtues Education” Through the development of skills […]

KDS Vision Statement: “BUILDING OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE TODAY BY TEACHING AND LEARNING THE DENE WAY.” “KDS is committed to providing quality education for our students by concentrating on four components of learning: Language & Culture ~ Academics & Technology ~ Physical & Active Living ~ Dene Laws & Virtues Education” Through the development of skills in these areas, students will grow and develop into respectful, healthy, diligent, and strong Dene who will give back to their families, community and the North.

CHEKOA NĮ HTŁ’ÈKǪ ̨̀ DEÈ: Dechinta Kids U

Dechinta’s model of program delivery is innovative and responsive to the needs of diverse learners. We offer a setting where families can learn together through our Chekoa Nı̨ htł’èkǫ ̨̀ Deè (KidsU) program where children are invited to attend semesters with their parent(s) and learn on the land. This has become one of the most […]

Dechinta’s model of program delivery is innovative and responsive to the needs of diverse learners. We offer a setting where families can learn together through our Chekoa Nı̨ htł’èkǫ ̨̀ Deè (KidsU) program where children are invited to attend semesters with their parent(s) and learn on the land. This has become one of the most vital components of our Dechinta model as many students, particularly single mothers, opt to bring their children with them, thus providing a platform for strengthening family bonds.

Neecheewam Inc., Resources for Children and Youth

Neecheewam Inc. strives to cultivate life skills through the development of relationships and culturally appropriate teachings.

Neecheewam Inc. strives to cultivate life skills through the development of relationships and culturally appropriate teachings.

Dene Nahjo Urban Hide Tanning

Urban Hide Tanning in Somba K’e

Dene Nahjo’s Annual Urban Hide Tanning Camp is a reclamation of urbanized space in the heart of Somba K’e. They host a two week long camp in Somba K’e park, where guests are invited to witness or participate in hide tanning. There are Elders and experienced hide tanners available to mentor learners and share stories. Thousands of people have passed through Dene Nahjo’s Urban Hide Tanning Camp, including many students and hide tanning learners. This camp is an Indigenous safe space for us, as Indigenous people, to learn, have fun, make mistakes, make relationships and be vulnerable.

School District 54

Indigenous education within the school district 54 of northern BC

Indigenous education within the school district 54 of northern BC

Indigenous Social Work at First Nations University of Canada

Gilbert Kewistep educates future generations of social workers who, he hopes will, ask tough questions, be inclusive of Elders, be involved in community agencies, and effect meaningful change.

Gilbert Kewistep is a Professor in the Saskatchewan Indigenous Social Work program at First Nations University of Canada. He believes that in order for his students to be successful in their role as social workers they must understand their culture and history of Indigenous people in this province and country. We must educate the current and future Indigenous social workers, and the Canadian public about the effects of residential schools, reconciliation, and the sixties scoop. He hopes that with the knowledge his student’s gain from the program and with guidance from Elders, that they will effect positive change for Indigenous people through social work.

Thompson Rivers University (TRU)

Panel Interview with the different program leads from Thompson Rivers University (TRU)

Panel Interview with the different program leads from Thompson Rivers University (TRU)

Bibliothèque Maskwa: Bibliothèque abénakise de Wôlinak

La bibliothèque Maskwa (“écorce de bouleau” en abénaki) est implantée dans la communauté abénakise de Wôlinak (en Mauricie). Elle a rouvert ses portes en 2017, sous la gestion du Grand Conseil de la Nation Waban-Aki. Comme la communauté ne possède pas d’écoles la bibliothèque offre un espace éducatif (sélection de livres, diffusion de documentaires, service […]

La bibliothèque Maskwa (“écorce de bouleau” en abénaki) est implantée dans la communauté abénakise de Wôlinak (en Mauricie). Elle a rouvert ses portes en 2017, sous la gestion du Grand Conseil de la Nation Waban-Aki. Comme la communauté ne possède pas d’écoles la bibliothèque offre un espace éducatif (sélection de livres, diffusion de documentaires, service d’aide aux devoirs…) ouvert aux personnes de tous âges. En complément avec le projet Niona, équipe-jeunesse d’intervention intergénérationnelle de Wôlinak qui s’intéresse à la culture abénakise, la bibliothèque développe un répertoire de ressources culturelles afin de permettre aux jeunes de la communauté d’en apprendre davantage sur leurs origines. Maskwa est également le lieu de développement des compétences professionnelles par l’entremise de stages offerts aux jeunes abénakis.


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The Blanket Exercise – Canadian History learned Experientially from the Indigenous Perspective

The Blanket Exercise is a two hour interactive re-enactment of Canadian history from an Indigenous perspective. Participants have the opportunity to role play and interact with events from Indigenous history to help them gain an understanding from a Indigenous perspective.

The Blanket Exercise is a two hour interactive re-enactment of Canadian history from an Indigenous perspective. Participants have the opportunity to role play and interact with events from Indigenous history to help them gain an understanding from a Indigenous perspective.

Cultural Diversity Training – St. John’s Native Friendship Centre – Heidi Dixon – Training and Special Events Coordinator – St. John’s, Newfoundland

Heidi Dixon, the Training and Special Events Coordinator at St. John’s Native Friendship Centre, describes the Cultural Diversity Training program offered and the impact it has on participants.

Heidi Dixon, the Training and Special Events Coordinator at St. John’s Native Friendship Centre, describes the Cultural Diversity Training program offered and the impact it has on participants.