The internet has an abundance of resources for teachers, educators, students, and learners of all ages. This library is a subset of the full NCCIE Resource Library and focuses on resources for teaching and learning. Explore this catalogue to find:
Teaching Resources, such as curriculum guides, teaching guides, and more;
Other websites with lesson plans, guides, resource kits;
Bibliographies with lists of teaching resources and books;
Videos for educators to use in classroom settings of all kinds.
Tips for Finding Resources
Here are some tips to help you find what you are looking for:
In the search field to the right, enter what you would like to search for:
a subject, topic, or keyword (such as science, Métis, Inuit, reconciliation, etc.);
a type of resource (such as ‘teaching resource’, ‘video’, ‘article’, etc.);
a province or territory.
Here is a list of the types of resources you will find in this collection. All resources are listed alphabetically by ‘type’ until you search for something else.
Teaching Resources
Teaching Resources: Languages
You can also click on any of the headings at the top of the columns to list entries alphabetically from A-Z or Z-A. For example, you can click on ‘Region’ to rearrange the listings alphabetically by Province/Territory, etc.