Note: As long as the 'Acknowledgement Protocol' is followed to honour the Land and the People where a lesson plan originates, lesson plans appearing on NCCIE.CA may be adapted to different places and different ages of learners. What is the Land Acknowledgement where you live? Read More
Name | Role/Job Title |
Place |
Leisa Desmoulins | ||
Melissa Oskineegish | ||
Mackenzie Orlando |
1. Identify components of wholism, Indigenous cultural perspectives, intergenerational learning, and reflection in lesson plans. |
2. Revise a lesson plan to greater incorporate wholism, Indigenous cultural perspectives, intergenerational learning, and reflection. |
Title | Type |
Lesson Plan Review Handout
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This handout is used in all activities in this lesson. |
Title | Type |
Sample Lesson Plan |
Supplies and Equipment |
The teacher will supply a sample lesson plan for students to use in this activity. In their small groups, students will review the sample lesson plan to find examples of each component on the 'Lesson Plan Review Handout.' |
Supplies: chart paper and markers |
Supplies and Equipment |
Each small group will need chart paper and markers to record their findings. |
Title | Type |
Assessment Resource: Feedback Form
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As explained in the "Assessment" section of this lesson plan, this "Feedback Form" can be used by either the teacher or the pre-service teachers to assess their use of the "Lesson Plan Review Handout." |
Assessment Resource: Lesson Plan Review Handout Exemplar
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This 'Exemplar' uses this lesson plan, Bringing Indigenous Education Lesson Plans to Pre-service Teachers, as an example when completing the "Lesson Plan Review Handout" in Activities 1 and 2. It illustrates for the teacher and pre-service teachers the kind of information and detail that can be provided in the 'Notes' section for each component. |
Title | Type |
Resource for Instructors and Students: ACDE Accord on Indigenous Education
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The Association of Canadian Deans of Education (ACDE) produced this 'Accord' in 2010 and is used along with the TRC Calls to Action to ground this lesson plan. |
Resource for Instructors and Students: TRC Calls to Action
File |
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Calls to Action, published in 2015, along with the ACDE Accord on Indigenous Education are both used to ground this lesson plan. |
Video resource on Ethics in the Classroom |
Link |
This resource, 'Acting on Our Ethics: Caring for Anishinaabe Children,' is presented by the Ontario College of Teachers. |
Our Words, Our Ways
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This resource focuses on teaching First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Learners. |
Exploring the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession through Anishnaabe Art |
Link |
This resource, published by the Ontario College of Teachers in collaboration with Bruce K. Beardy, shares insights about ethics in the classroom from an Indigenous perspective. The video on ethics in the classroom (also in this resource list) augments this written document. |