Demian Lawrenchuk is from Fox Lake Cree Nation in Manitoba. Lawrenchuk is in an apprenticeship program with community Elders, who are teaching him about the traditional use of land, plants, and animals. He volunteers his time at both Fox Lake School and the school in Gillam, Manitoba where he has led a Christmas break school program that focuses on land-based cultural activities. The activities included making and setting snares; catching animals (rabbits, martins, etc.); skinning, tanning, cooking, and making clothes out of them. The program offers students an opportunity to reconnect with the land and reinforce a sense of cultural and historical continuity with their ancestors. During the 2017-2018 school year, he has shown the grade 4-8 classes in Fox Lake how to garden vegetables, clean certain kinds of fish, plant medicine, skin a martin, and make a drum.
Demian Lawrenchuk is from Fox Lake Cree Nation in Manitoba. Lawrenchuk is in an apprenticeship program with community Elders, who are teaching him about the traditional use of land, plants, and animals. He volunteers his time at both Fox Lake School and the school in Gillam, Manitoba where he has led a Christmas break school program that focuses on land-based cultural activities. The activities included making and setting snares; catching animals (rabbits, martins, etc.); skinning, tanning, cooking, and making clothes out of them. The program offers students an opportunity to reconnect with the land and reinforce a sense of cultural and historical continuity with their ancestors. During the 2017-2018 school year, he has shown the grade 4-8 classes in Fox Lake how to garden vegetables, clean certain kinds of fish, plant medicine, skin a martin, and make a drum.
Demian a dirigé un programme pour le congé de Noël axé sur les activités culturelles ancrées sur le territoire. Voici certaines des activités qu’il comprend : fabriquer et poser des pièges, attraper des animaux comme des lapins ou des martres, les dépouiller et tanner leurs peaux, les cuisiner et en faire des vêtements. L’objectif du programme est de donner aux élèves l’occasion de se reconnecter au territoire et de renforcer leur sentiment de continuité culturelle et historique avec leurs ancêtres. Demian est un Cri originaire de la Nation crie de Fox Lake. Il fait du bénévolat à l’école Fox Lake et à l’école Gillam (Manitoba). Il participe à un programme d’apprentissage avec des aînés de la communauté qui lui enseignent l’utilisation traditionnelle de la terre, des plantes et des animaux. Pendant l’année scolaire 2017-2018, il a montré aux classes de la 4e à la 8e année de Fox Lake comment cultiver des légumes, nettoyer certains types de poisson, connaître les plantes médicinales, dépouiller une hirondelle et fabriquer un tambour.
Demian Lawrenchuk is from Fox Lake Cree Nation in Manitoba. Lawrenchuk is in an apprenticeship program with community Elders, who are teaching him about the traditional use of land, plants, and animals. He volunteers his time at both Fox Lake School and the school in Gillam, Manitoba where he has led a Christmas break school program that focuses on land-based cultural activities. The activities included making and setting snares; catching animals (rabbits, martins, etc.); skinning, tanning, cooking, and making clothes out of them. The program offers students an opportunity to reconnect with the land and reinforce a sense of cultural and historical continuity with their ancestors. During the 2017-2018 school year, he has shown the grade 4-8 classes in Fox Lake how to garden vegetables, clean certain kinds of fish, plant medicine, skin a martin, and make a drum.