The Regina Treaty Status Indian Services (RTSIS) is an organization owned by the Touchwood Agency Tribal Council and the File Hills-Qu’Appelle Tribal Council. RTSIS is the only Indigenous owned services agency providing services for Urban First Nations and First Nations transitioning to and from reserve. RTSIS is committed to honouring the Treaty and inherent rights of Indigenous people in Treaty Four territory by offering a variety of programs and training opportunities which support each nation’s language, culture, and identity. Specifically, their community based education programs include: the Red Feather Youth Integration Program, which supports youth transitioning from the criminal justice system and reintegrating into society; the Treaty Four Education Centre offers adult education with individualized learning plans based on interests and abilities; and the Indian Residential School Resolution Health Support Program addresses emotional health and wellness through both front-line services as well as through workshops on suicide prevention, parenting skills, intergenerational addictions, etc. For more information about RTSIS and their programs please visit