Elvis DeMontigny is an apprentice in the Master-Apprentice Michif Language Program. After a few months in the program, he’s committed to keep at for the next two or three years. Elvis DeMontigny says, “In order to learn Michif language, in order to get a perfect understanding of everything that is involved with it, you just have to do every-day basic activities in it.” Like doing the laundry, buying groceries, and visiting an elder. He translates songs and poems into Michif and then sings them. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t; but, he still tries everyday. In time, he figures he’ll be able to teach his kids.
Elvis DeMontigny was interviewed at the Métis Pavilion held in Brandon, Manitoba from January 31 to February 2, 2019. You can hear fiddlers warming up in the background. After the interview, he had to get to the kitchen to make a giant batch of rice pudding.
The Pavilion is sponsored by the Manitoba Manitoba Métis Federation – Southwest Region (http://www.southwestmmf.ca/) and is part of the Westman Multicultural Festival.