Note: As long as the 'Acknowledgement Protocol' is followed to honour the Land and the People where a lesson plan originates, lesson plans appearing on NCCIE.CA may be adapted to different places and different ages of learners. What is the Land Acknowledgement where you live? Read More
Name | Role/Job Title |
Place |
Jason Bruce | ||
Karla Kay |
1. Explore identity, place, culture and belonging through the arts. |
2. Explore relationships among cultures, societies and the arts. |
3. Make ethical judgments about events, decisions or actions that consider the conditions of a particular time and place. |
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Supplies: cedar and sinew, containers for soaking cedar, water bottle(s) |
Supplies and Equipment |
The teacher will need to source cedar and sinew for this activity. (Special Note: There are protocols that go with collecting cedar bark. Some things to consider about cedar collection is that the people who collect cedar are from the local nation, have been taught from an elder, know how and when to do this without harming the tree in that specific area. Cedar is considered sacred for many. Source (to learn more, visit): 1. Enough for each student in the class: either a) 12 strips of cedar 3/8" wide and 6" long or b) 8 strips of cedar 1" wide and 6" long (or for older students, they can cut the strips themselves, in which case you will need cutting supplies) |
Cedar Weaving Reflection Worksheet
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This worksheet is designed for students to think about the process of cedar weaving through their own experience in comparison to what the Stó:lō might have exprienced in the past. |
Video: Cedar Basket Weaving with Brenda Crabtree |
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This video walks one through the many steps of cedar basket weaving. Watch the first 5:42 minutes for an introduction on how to weave with cedar. The whole video is 21:59 minutes long. |
Handout: Weaving Instructions with Diagrams
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This handout includes the weaving instructions plus three (3) diagrams to illustrate different steps in the process. |
Cedar Weaving Terms
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Halq’eméylem terms connected to cedar weaving that the teacher can use during the lesson. |
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Cedar Weaving Reflection Worksheet
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This worksheet for students to complete is part of the lesson; it can also be used in the teacher's assessment of students' learning. |
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Cedar Basket Weaving with Brenda Crabtree |
Link |
This video provides a basic introduction to cedar harvesting as well as how the activity is going to start. |
School District 71 Comox Valley - Cedar Weaving Resources |
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This website has many videos with teachings about cedar, cedar harvesting, cedar weaving, and more. |