Reconciliation in the Canadian context refers to restoring relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and seeking justice from the wrongdoings perpetuated through colonization. Reconciliation includes telling and listening to the truth, and seeking reparations and justice through healing and forgiveness. Stories in this category include personal accounts and projects that contain a goal of moving forward reconciliation within their project objectives. Many of the stories focus on reclaiming knowledge that has been lost or suppressed due to the history of colonization and residential schools, including reconnecting with languages, stories, laws, protocols, traditions and ceremonies as a way of restoring power to nations and individuals.
The description of the Story. This content will accompany the Title on the website. La communauté de l’Université McGill à Montréal présente une longue histoire en termes de collaboration avec les ...
TRU offers a variety of programs develop and delivered with Indigenous people. The School of Trades & Technology hosts many degrees and programs including Building Capacity & Community Through Cons...
The Youth For Reconciliation (YFR) was a partnership that aimed to build connections, relationships and allyship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth and communities. Through experiential le...
Catharyn Andersen, Memorial University's Special Advisor to the President on Aboriginal Affairs, discusses her work at the university and the various ways that universities can better support Indig...
Siyamtelot is Okanagan and registered Stó:lō by marriage. Swelimeltexw is Stó:lō from Stsálles are Elders from Okanagan. They share their educational experience along with stories and teachings....
Dr. Rochelle Côté, Sociologist and Assistant Professor at Memorial University, discusses her work incorporating community-based learning into post-secondary education and the importance of holding ...
The Aboriginal Leadership Certificate allows Indigenous students to gain practical tools and knowledge to work at management and administrator levels within Indigenous organizations across Canada. ...
The Wiichihew Program is offered by the Mid-Island Métis Nation and serves Indigenous Students in high schools, alternative learning programs, and Vancouver Island University. It supports students ...
Bob Lovelace offers a distinction between Indigenous Education and Aboriginal Education, the shift from an ‘Indigenous Rights perspective’ to an ‘Indigenous Responsibility perspective’.
Meeka is a well-known teacher of education, healing, and Inuit culture. She started teaching children in 1971, and moved onto adult education at Nunavut Arctic College for 18 years. Meeka believes that elder knowledge from experience is necessary have a foundation for living an Inuit life as our ancestor did. She hopes that healing and education from Inuit go a long way.
KDS Vision Statement: “BUILDING OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE TODAY BY TEACHING AND LEARNING THE DENE WAY.” "KDS is committed to providing quality education for our students by concentrating on four compon...
Dechinta’s model of program delivery is innovative and responsive to the needs of diverse learners. We offer a setting where families can learn together through our Chekoa Nı̨ htł’èkǫ ̨̀ Deè (KidsU...
Gilbert Kewistep educates future generations of social workers who, he hopes will, ask tough questions, be inclusive of Elders, be involved in community agencies, and effect meaningful change.
The Blanket Exercise is a two hour interactive re-enactment of Canadian history from an Indigenous perspective. Participants have the opportunity to role play and interact with events from Indigeno...
The Indigenous Education Office at the Ontario Ministry of Education aims to support provincially funded school boards and authorities in the implementation of the FNMI Education Policy Framework.
Indigenous education for health providing awareness about First Nations people. Developing relationships with individuals and communities, respecting our way of life.
Thompson Rivers University (TRU) is a postsecondary institution in Kamloops, B.C. that offers research opportunities, programs and certificates designed specifically to support and engage Indigenou...
Erica Beaudin has been the Executive Director of the Regina Treaty Status Indian Services since 2007 and she discusses the importance of the organization’s community education programs.
St. Thomas Aquinas School Division (STAR) and Nipisihkopahk Educational Authority (NEA) have entered into a education partnership through an Alberta Education Grant- "Building Capacity Through Coll...