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English Language Arts, Social Studies, Indigenous Ways of Knowing & Being, Science, Archaeology, Family and Parenting, History, Civics

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Acknowledgement Protocol

Please read this Acknowledgement before the start of this lesson to respect the knowledge that is being shared and the Land of the People where the knowledge originates:

Note: As long as the 'Acknowledgement Protocol' is followed to honour the Land and the People where a lesson plan originates, lesson plans appearing on NCCIE.CA may be adapted to different places and different ages of learners. What is the Land Acknowledgement where you live?   Read More


Name Role/Job Title Place
Sara Leah HIndy
Michelle Matthews
Marcus Gosse
Scott Butt
Sylvia Moore

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this lesson plan, students will be able to:

1. explore, challenge, develop, and express ideas, using the skills, language, techniques, and processes of the arts; [GCO 1; SCOs 1-6]

2. demonstrate critical awareness of, and the value for the role of, the arts in creating and reflecting culture; [GCO 3; SCOs 12-15]

3. respect the contributions of individuals and cultural groups in local and global contexts, and value the arts as a record of human experiences and expression.  [GCO 4; SCOs 17-21]

Teachers' Guide


  • Spiritual (e.g., Relational) Learners
  • Physical (e.g., Tactile, Experiential, Visual) Learners
  • Intellectual (e.g., Rational, Logical) Learners
  • Emotional (e.g., Feeling, Intuitive) Learners
Title Type
Supplies: three items, natural and made, to introduce texture to the class Supplies and Equipment
Supplies: examples of 3D art Supplies and Equipment
Supplies: paints and paintbrushes Supplies and Equipment
Document: Art Rubrics and Worksheets File


This section contains information for assessing progress in students' learning. While Indigenous approaches to assessment may be highlighted, conventional assessment methods may also be discussed:
Title Type
Art Rubrics and Worksheets File

Related resources on NCCIE.ca

Title Type
Outdoor Education Link
Video: Elements of Art - Textures in Our Environment Link

Where can I find additional information?

Title Type
Kejimkujik National Historic Site of Canada Link
The petroglyphs of Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia: a fresh perspective on their physical and cultural contexts Link
Indigenous Petroglyphs Found for 1st Time in Newfoundland Link
Mi'kmaw History - Kejimkujik: The Petroglyphs Link
Marcus Gosse, Newfoundland Mi'kmaq Artist Link
The Elements of Art Link
Element of Design: Texture Link
Elements of Art: Texture Link
Water Song: Indigenous Women and Water Link
Mi'kmaki Water Symposium Final Report 2016 Link

Holism and All Our Relations

This lesson plan has been developed with an Indigenous lens that is holistic in nature, a way of being and knowing that acknowledges our relationships with 'all our relations', including plants and animals, other human beings, the water, land, wind, sun, moon, stars, and more - everything seen and unseen. With 'all our relations' in mind, this lesson plan has been developed with a focus on:

Relationship with the land
On-the-land/outdoor learning experiences
Language and Culture
Intergenerational learning with Elders/Knowledge Holders
Ethics in the classroom: care, truthfulness and trust, respect, integrity
Relationship with family, ancestors
Different learning styles; attention given to mind, body, and spirit
Healthy relationships in school and community
Connections with everyday life
Participatory and experiential learning activities
Healthy relationship with self and identity
Personal reflection time (connecting with thoughts and feelings)

Lesson Plan Length

Estimated Length (hh:mm): 4:00
(includes time for instruction, activities, self-reflection, and assessment, if applicable)

Other Details

Unit Plan Title:
Meets curriculum expectations or outcomes for: Newfoundland and Labrador

Lesson Plan Topics


Please contact Sylvia Moore  for more information.