“When I’m doing moosehide t...
Traditional knowledge refers to the knowledge, skills and practices that originally existed in a particular place and continues to shape the local context for Indigenous people. Because of colonization, many Indigenous people were separated from their traditional knowledge systems, so stories in this category focus on programs designed to revitalize traditional knowledge systems including language, history, relationship to land, crafting, arts, storytelling, music, ceremony, spirituality and cultural traditions. Stories in this category focus on the importance of intergenerational learning, and Elders are a key component to passing knowledge from one generation to the next. Stories in this category also convey the importance of valuing Indigenous knowledge in order to solve contemporary issues as Indigenous knowledge systems can provide insight into a more interconnected understanding of the environment.
Barbara Nolan is an Elder from Wiikwemkoong First Nation. She is the Language Commissioner for the Anishinabek Nation and has a long history of teaching the Anishnaabe language and has developed ma...
Chris Pheasant is from Wiikwemkoong First Nation and has dedicated his life to Indigenous Education. Over the course of his career, Chris has been a Guidance Counsellor, Teacher, Principal, and Co...
The Alternative Secondary School Program (ASSP) addresses the needs of urban Indigenous students in Fort Frances and surrounding areas by creating a culture-based educational environment where the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual areas of a student's life are centered.
Wiingashk Alternative Secondary School is located at N’Amerind Friendship Centre in London. This program offers urban Indigenous students a culture-based education that balances the secondary school curriculum with wholistic, culturally relevant educational approaches.
Elder Willie Ermine from Sturgeon Lake First Nation shares about the process of community development and how possibilities like Harvest Days come to fruition in his community.
Une table ronde à laquelle ont participé cinq étudiants autochtones s’est tenue à l’Université Trent pour discuter de leurs expériences dans leurs études postsecondaires. Les étudiants ont donné le...
The description of the Story. This content will accompany the Title on the website. La communauté de l’Université McGill à Montréal présente une longue histoire en termes de collaboration avec les ...
Kayla Stride, a teacher at Se’t A’newey Kina’matino’Kuom in Miawpukek First Nation, and member of Eastern Owl, describes how she uses drumming and song to re-ignite youth's interest in their cultur...
“Potlatch as Pedagogy: Learning Through Ceremony” (2018), authored by Sara Florence Davidson and Robert Davidson, was inspired by Haida ceremonial practice and provides a model for learning for edu...
Marilyn John, a math tutor at Se’t A’newey Kina’matino’Kuom, in Miawpukek First Nation, describes her work with students in grades 7,8 and 9. She talks about the community's loss of language and th...
Brenda Jeddore, a teacher at Se’t A’newey Kina’matino’Kuom, in Miawpukek First Nation, describes how she augments the provincial music program by including traditional Mi'Kmaw culture and music exp...
A round table involving five Indigenous students was held at Trent University to discuss their experiences within post-secondary education. The students offered insights into the challenges getting...
This video is of a round table involving Indigenous Elders and educators held at Trent University on November 23, 2018. The topic of the round table was integrating Indigenous Knowledge into the ac...
To teach culture, history and music. To have access to what could be considered a privilege offered at the library, pow-wow grounds, school settings and at the band office, throughout the year. All...
The Environmental Technology Program through Nunavut Arctic College emphasizes how systems work in the environment through different methods on the land and in the classroom.
Alannah is Anishnabe Midekway and Nehiy/naw Cree from Treaty one and Treaty five territories, currently living in unceded Salish territories. In this video Alannah shares the importance of intercon...
Siyamtelot is Okanagan and registered Stó:lō by marriage. Swelimeltexw is Stó:lō from Stsálles are Elders from Okanagan. They share their educational experience along with stories and teachings....
Joey Farnsworth is well known in Grande Prairie as an Elder and Knowledge Keeper. She shares her perspective on how all education starts with our relationships and how we are all role models all of...
Charles Petahtegoose, a Midewiwin man talks about the importance of revitalizing sacred teachings and song as a method of Indigenous education. Charles also discusses the importance of language use...
Leah Hogan is the Manager of Indigenous Education at Mohawk College. She talks about the Indigenous Education academic program at the college and its goals of increasing post-secondary access for ...
L'agente culturelle de Matimekush Lac John nous parle des différentes activités qu'elle offre dans le cadre de son emploi. Il est question d'activités portant sur l'Innu aitun, l'intégration des aî...
Sara Leah Hindy, the Community Development Officer for Qalipu First Nation, discusses the land-based learning initiatives that the organization runs and how partnering with the local school system ...
The Aboriginal Leadership Certificate allows Indigenous students to gain practical tools and knowledge to work at management and administrator levels within Indigenous organizations across Canada. ...
Prairies to Woodlands Indigenous Language Revitalization Circle Master-Apprentice Indigenous language revitalization aims to build the capacity of fluent-speaking Elders and others (“masters”) and ...
The Wiichihew Program is offered by the Mid-Island Métis Nation and serves Indigenous Students in high schools, alternative learning programs, and Vancouver Island University. It supports students ...
The book, Tluuwaay 'Waadluxan Mathematical Adventures, is designed to expand our awareness and relationship with the land, sea and sky – and transform possibilities for teaching and learning mathem...
Ce vidéo présente Mme. Florence Fontaine, une aînée de la communauté de Maliotenam, partageant ses savoirs et ses rêves pour les générations à venir.
This story is not available in English. Please ...
Elder, Mona Sepass, from the Stó:lô Nation of the Fraser Valley region in southern British Columbia, shares how important it was for her to learn her language to better understand who she was and w...
Dechinta means "in the bush" in many of Dene languages in the Northwest Territories. Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning believes in supporting self-determining and sustainable Northern commu...
Meeka is a well-known teacher of education, healing, and Inuit culture. She started teaching children in 1971, and moved onto adult education at Nunavut Arctic College for 18 years. Meeka believes that elder knowledge from experience is necessary have a foundation for living an Inuit life as our ancestor did. She hopes that healing and education from Inuit go a long way.
Chenise Hache and James Doucette talk about the land-based learning program they run for youth in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Reclaiming Our Roots has a Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/Reclai...
Le projet d'accompagnement scolaire et social (PASS) est mis en oeuvre par le Comité de femmes de Mashteuiatsh. Il s'agit d'un programme de Passeport pour ma réussite (Pathways for Education Canada...
Todd Labrador discusses the importance of traditional knowledge and harvesting in the Mi'kmaw birch bark canoe building workshops that he runs in Atlantic Canada and across the country.
Jenelle Duval, the Events Coordinator at First Light, describes the language camps and land-based learning programs that the centre offers to community members in St. John's, NL.
Skahendowaneh teaches components of Trent University’s Ph.D. program and Indigenous Studies undergraduate program in the areas of Indigenous Knowledge, Iroquoian culture and language.
Le programme Protection et exploitation des territoires fauniques, volet Premières Nations est offert depuis 2017 auprès du Centre régional d'éducation aux adultes des Premières Nations (CREA) de U...
KDS Vision Statement: “BUILDING OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE TODAY BY TEACHING AND LEARNING THE DENE WAY.” "KDS is committed to providing quality education for our students by concentrating on four compon...
Dechinta’s model of program delivery is innovative and responsive to the needs of diverse learners. We offer a setting where families can learn together through our Chekoa Nı̨ htł’èkǫ ̨̀ Deè (KidsU...
Nadine Bernard, founder and creator of the Slow Cooked Dreams Education and Empowerment program, discusses how she uses traditional teachings to help people learn how to budget and prepare food whe...
"Returning of our ways and of being together." Indigenous Education is like a story and we as a People, have a variety of roles to play within it to bring forth "excellence."
Lutsel K'e Dene school is working collaboratively to support holistic Dene education.
''Several on-the-land projects across the Northwest Territories are getting a major financial boost.
On the Lan...
Our Cree language and culture are inseparable because language is the basis of our culture. If culture is to be considered in Indigenous Education in any real way the specific region and language o...
The KARA Family Resource Centre (Parent Link Centre) offers a Traditional Parenting for Indigenous Families. This program provides the opportunity to connect with Indigenous culture, develop litera...
Thirly Levi, an Elder with the Wekatesk Head Start Program at the Mi'kmaq Family Resource Centre in Charlottetown, describes the ways she teaches language and culture to the children and the import...
The Going Off Growing Strong (GOGS) Program gives youth (specifically `youth at risk`), the opportunity to participate. The program was aimed to be a `healing journey` and improve the mood and emot...
NITEP, the Indigenous Teacher Education Program in the Faculty of Education at UBC, has celebrated graduating over 400 educators in its 44 years of existence. Part of NITEP’s success can be credite...
Operating on 420 acres of ecological reserve space in Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish, BC) territory, Cheakamus Centre is an environmental education facility that provides experiential outdoor and land-based...
Tim McNeill, Deputy Minister of Education and Economic Development speaks about the Inuit Education initiatives and programs. Schools in Nunatsiavut have Inuktitut and Life Skills in the k-12 schoo...
The Executive MBA in Indigenous Business and Leadership in the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University has been in existence for five years. The program is intended for mature leaders ...
Julia Pegahmagabow speaks about her work in home schooling on Atikameksheng Anishnawbek First Nation where she incorporates the Anishinaabe culture and Anishinaabemowin language as the foundation o...
The use of crafts in educating indigenous people in Fort Good Hope. Crafts include sewing, beading, and creation of traditional clothing. The involvement of the elders is part of the process. Althb...
Indigenous Mentors run On the Land Programs with all ages. These programs reinforce traditional/cultural land use practices, skills and survival techniques. Programs are centred around seasonal cha...
Indigenous education for health providing awareness about First Nations people. Developing relationships with individuals and communities, respecting our way of life.
Thompson Rivers University (TRU) is a postsecondary institution in Kamloops, B.C. that offers research opportunities, programs and certificates designed specifically to support and engage Indigenou...
Mitch Case works as the student director of student services at Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig. An Anishinaabe institution that teaches the foundations and teachings of the Anishiaabe way of life. Once...
χpey̓ Elementary School was developed by the Vancouver School Board in 2012 in response to calls from the community for an education that was culturally relevant for Indigenous youth and encompassi...
Timothy Jones, an Aboriginal Visual Arts student at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in Fredericton, discusses the program from a student’s perspective.
Joey Blood, of Opokaa'sin Early Intervention Society's Family Preservation and Youth Mentorship program, shares on its work supporting indigenous youth and their families in accessing cultural acti...
Kiskinohomatasowin – École en forêt est un nouveau programme éducatif s’adressant aux jeunes (13-18 ans)de Manawan fréquentant le secondaire (les jeunes à risque de décrochage scolaire sont privilé...
Justin Sappier describes his experiences as a student in the Aboriginal Visual Arts program at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in Fredericton.
Barb McKenna-Toole, Coordinator at Wekatesk Head Start, describes the ways the Head Start program builds a sense of culture, identity, and community for children and families living off-reserve in ...
Dawn Brooks, Administrator at St. Mary's First Nation Adult Maliseet Immersion Program describes the immersion program.
Kelsey Nash-Solomon is an Instructor and former student at the St. Mary's First Nation Adult Maliseet Immersion Program in Fredericton. She describes the program and the importance of language revi...
The Northern Manitoba Mining Academy provides access to its world-class facilities for field-based undergraduate courses, as well as graduate students and researchers doing field work. Full sample ...
Traditional Knowledge Holder uses her experience in the classrooms of the Grande Prairie Public School system with an aim to help students know who they are and where they belong. This Traditional ...
The Banuts'ukuih (meaning, canoe coming to shore in Lheidli) project is an example of the experiential learning opportunities led by Indigenous instructors in partnership with the University of Nor...
The health educator at the All Nations Healing Hospital in Fort Qu’Appelle, SK, provides an overview of programs and services offered to Indigenous communities and schools within Treaty 4 territory.
Qeq College is a kindergarten transition program for Indigenous families whose children will be entering kindergarten in the fall. It is a partnership between the Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Friendsh...
Coyote Kids Weekly Program is a free weekly Aboriginal culture program for Aboriginal children or children of Aboriginal ancestry ages of 6-12 years. Coyote kids meets every Monday evening from 6 p...