
Geesohns Manitowabi – Anishinaabe Life Teachings

Geesohns works at Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre. Teaching and giving guidance to Anishiaabe teachings ways of life. Directing and assisting in the communities to healing in Anishinaabe ways of living.

Geesohns works at Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre. Teaching and giving guidance to Anishiaabe teachings ways of life. Directing and assisting in the communities to healing in Anishinaabe ways of living.

Aboriginal Visual Arts Program – New Brunswick College of Craft and Design – Timothy Jones – Student – Fredericton, New Brunswick

Timothy Jones, an Aboriginal Visual Arts student at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in Fredericton, discusses the program from a student’s perspective.

Timothy Jones, an Aboriginal Visual Arts student at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in Fredericton, discusses the program from a student’s perspective.

Dene Kede

Dene Kede encompasses the language, culture and the way in which five Dene nations view the world. In K to 6, themes are used to reinforce and teach the four concepts central to Dene perspective: the Spiritual World, the Land, the Self and the People, while grades 7 to 9 employ a modular approach. The […]

Dene Kede encompasses the language, culture and the way in which five Dene nations view the world. In K to 6, themes are used to reinforce and teach the four concepts central to Dene perspective: the Spiritual World, the Land, the Self and the People, while grades 7 to 9 employ a modular approach. The purpose of this curriculum is to present children with the experiences, knowledge, skills and attitudes which will guide them toward becoming capable citizens.  https://www.ece.gov.nt.ca/en/services/education-et-programmes-detude-de-la-maternelle-la-12e-annee/aboriginal-languages

Know Who You Are – Traditional Knowledge Holder Darlene Cardinal

Traditional Knowledge Holder uses her experience in the classrooms of the Grande Prairie Public School system with an aim to help students know who they are and where they belong. This Traditional Knowledge Holder teaches directly in the public school system classrooms of Grande Prairie. She works to share cultural teachings to students and to […]

Traditional Knowledge Holder uses her experience in the classrooms of the Grande Prairie Public School system with an aim to help students know who they are and where they belong. This Traditional Knowledge Holder teaches directly in the public school system classrooms of Grande Prairie. She works to share cultural teachings to students and to bring a cultural perspective to support the helpers in assigning meaning to what is happening in a child’s world both in and out of the classroom. Advocacy of children and the culture and the role culture must play in their lives both in and out of the classroom is an urgent piece of her work at all times.

Dominic Beaudry – Best Practices in Indigenous Education

Dominic Beaudry discusses the importance of strategic learning, land based learning as well as the importance of language when striving for excellence in Indigenous education.

Dominic Beaudry discusses the importance of strategic learning, land based learning as well as the importance of language when striving for excellence in Indigenous education.

Canadian Bushcraft

Caleb Musgrave, owner of Canadian Bushcraft which operates out of Hiawatha, Ontario.

Caleb Musgrave, owner of Canadian Bushcraft which operates out of Hiawatha, Ontario.

On-the-Land Learning with Demian Lawrenchuk, Fox Lake Cree Nation, MB

Demian Lawrenchuk has led a Christmas break school program that focuses on land-based cultural activities in Gillam, MB.

Demian Lawrenchuk is from Fox Lake Cree Nation in Manitoba. Lawrenchuk is in an apprenticeship program with community Elders, who are teaching him about the traditional use of land, plants, and animals. He volunteers his time at both Fox Lake School and the school in Gillam, Manitoba where he has led a Christmas break school program that focuses on land-based cultural activities. The activities included making and setting snares; catching animals (rabbits, martins, etc.); skinning, tanning, cooking, and making clothes out of them. The program offers students an opportunity to reconnect with the land and reinforce a sense of cultural and historical continuity with their ancestors. During the 2017-2018 school year, he has shown the grade 4-8 classes in Fox Lake how to garden vegetables, clean certain kinds of fish, plant medicine, skin a martin, and make a drum.

Indigenous Mentors – Traditional/Cultural Knowledge and Practices

Skilled Indigenous Mentors in Hunting, Harvesting and Survival practices/techniques. On the Land Programs are run seasonally, reinforcing Land Use practice and participation of indigenous values, systems, beliefs and knowledge. It is open to all ages.  »The NWT Recreation and Parks Association believes that spending time on the land is vital for building and strengthening healthy […]

Skilled Indigenous Mentors in Hunting, Harvesting and Survival practices/techniques. On the Land Programs are run seasonally, reinforcing Land Use practice and participation of indigenous values, systems, beliefs and knowledge. It is open to all ages.

 »The NWT Recreation and Parks Association believes that spending time on the land is vital for building and strengthening healthy minds, bodies, families, and communities. Colonial policies, including residential schools, sought to remove Indigenous peoples from their territories and break their connection with the land. On the land programs are an important part of revitalizing cultures, languages, and traditions. » from the website http://www.nwtrpa.org/on-the-land-programs.htm

Tania Julian, Teacher’s Assistant Nak’albun Elementary

Education Assistant, Tania Julian has worked at Nak’albun Elementary for many years.

Tania Julian describes the approach taken by Nak’albun Elementary in primary education. It has been credited by former students as being invaluable in preparing them to continue their education.