
First Peoples House (McGill University)

Kakwiranó:ron Cook talks about the First Peoples House and McGill University’s initiatives to support Indigenous students in their academic studies and life on campus.

Since 1997, First Peoples House (FPH) has offered culturally appropriate support services for the university’s Indigenous learners. Often described as a « home away from home, » this dedicated space plays the role of community gathering place, healing, referral, support, tutoring, mentoring and educational guidance and even residence for several students. Some of the activities organized throughout the year include community soup and bannock dinners as well as mid-semester and annual events. In the summer, the FPH, in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, organizes the Eagle Spirit Camp, a three-day camp for potential future students aged 13 and 17, with the aim of encouraging them to realize their full educational and personal potential. Other events are organized in collaboration with other groups such as the Indigenous Student Alliance (ISA), a student interest group made up of Indigenous and non-Indigenous students and the Social Equity and Diversity Education’s Office (SEDE). For example, the Indigenous Awareness Week is held each year and culminates in a Pow Wow on campus in the fall semester, and the Indigenous Educational Series is organized, which takes place during the winter term and aims to raise awareness among the student population of Indigenous issues in Canada.

4 Seasons of Reconciliation

4 Seasons of Reconciliation is a multi-media teaching unit that promotes a renewed relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadians.

This educational initiative, developed for secondary, post-secondary and the workplace, incorporates teacher guides, slideshows, videos and films along with engaging online portals.

The reconciliation education resources are produced under the guidance of the ‘4 Seasons of Reconciliation Indigenous Advisory Circle.’  We work in a spirit of collaboration and co-creation with the Indigenous contributors featured throughout our resources and education units.

This resource is available for professional development use and educational purposes in workplaces and education sectors and aims to assist in meetings some of the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action.

For more information, please visit: https://www.reconciliationeducation.ca/.

4 Seasons of Reconciliation was produced by Productions Cazabon in collaboration with First Nations University of Canada (FNUniv) and with support from FNUniv, the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, and the National Centre for Collaboration in Indigenous Education.

Interview with Don McCaskill

Professor Don McCaskill has been a Professor at Trent University for 35 years. He describes the fifty year history of Canada’s first Indigenous Studies Department and his perspectives on Indigenous Studies and the academy going forward. His research interests include Indigenous education, community development, justice and corrections and Indigenous-Canadian relations,. with Professor Don McCaskill is […]

Professor Don McCaskill has been a Professor at Trent University for 35 years. He describes the fifty year history of Canada’s first Indigenous Studies Department and his perspectives on Indigenous Studies and the academy going forward. His research interests include Indigenous education, community development, justice and corrections and Indigenous-Canadian relations,. with Professor Don McCaskill is one of the longest serving faculty members of Trent University’s Indigenous Studies Program

First Nations Technical Institute

First Nations owned and operated post-secondary education institution.

First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI) is a First Nation owned and governed educational institute specializing in applying Indigenous knowledge to both formal and informal learning experiences. Many of our programs and services are delivered at locations across Ontario. For more than 30 years, FNTI has played an essential role in making post-secondary education relevant for Indigenous students and communities. We work closely with our partners to build unique, cutting-edge Indigenous learning experiences and environments.

Lizz Nootchtai – Land Based Healing

Land based healing models, teaching culture and Anishnawbek knowledge, worldview, ways of being, ceremony. This program is offered on demand, Lizz makes herself available because this is her role and responsibility.

Land based healing models, teaching culture and Anishnawbek knowledge, worldview, ways of being, ceremony. This program is offered on demand, Lizz makes herself available because this is her role and responsibility.

Paula Potts – What to do With the Life You Are Given

The program will provide an understanding of Male responsibilities, goal setting, what to do with the life you are given and cultural understanding. Giving teachings about reality and beliefs (Anishnawbek). Sweat lodges and their healing through vulnerability towards self healing (sharing circles) focuses on energy which clears the way to self healing. Healing in the […]

The program will provide an understanding of Male responsibilities, goal setting, what to do with the life you are given and cultural understanding. Giving teachings about reality and beliefs (Anishnawbek). Sweat lodges and their healing through vulnerability towards self healing (sharing circles) focuses on energy which clears the way to self healing. Healing in the sense of reclaiming our own power and taking power back from the crown. Distancing ourselves from victim dependent thinking.

Qikiqtani Inuit Association

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association communicates with the communities in the Qikiqtani region of Nunavut to mentor them in designing Inuit, cultural youth programs.

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association helps Inuit define their identity along with providing authentic Inuit cultural activities. The organization also helps Inuit reconcile with certain groups that colonized them.

« Siyamtelot and Swelimeltexw » Hearing from our Elders

Siyamtelot is Okanagan and registered Stó:lō by marriage. Swelimeltexw is Stó:lō from Stsálles are Elders from Okanagan. They share their educational experience along with stories and teachings.

Siyamtelot is Okanagan and registered Stó:lō by marriage. Swelimeltexw is Stó:lō from Stsálles are Elders from Okanagan. They share their educational experience along with stories and teachings.

Tungasuvvingat Inuit – Education Support Program

Inuit Education Support Program

Tungasuvvingat Inuit – Education Support Program
o The goal of the Education Support Program is to provide supports and resources to Inuit learners in the Ottawa, Ontario region. Included in programming are skills-based learning opportunities, social events, cultural sensitivity training if needed at post-secondary institutions and emotional guidance. They work with Indigenous centres on campus to provide the necessary supports and knowledge to encourage the success of Inuit students. Some programming within the organization has outdoor activities and interactions with the land in the surrounding area. The program supports Inuit students throughout the academic calendar year while they study at local post-secondary institutions. The education support programming offered is for all Inuit learners aged 18-30’s and their families in the Ottawa area.

Is there a website for more information? What is it?
o http://tungasuvvingatinuit.ca/

Long ago Peoples Place

Yukon First Nation History and knowledge

Harold Johnson talks about the Long Ago Peoples Place near Champagne Village, Yukon. The Long Ago peoples Place is a living museum of how Yukon First Nations people used to live and survive in the Yukon. The walk through meseum facility highlights a time line of what life was like back in the early years all the way to present times. Such as what those early Yukon First Nation people used to live in and their means of hunting with tools and weapons. The walk through museum facility is a way to learn, engage, heal, pass on, and revitalize Yukon First Nation ways of life culture and traditions.